
PSR-6 caching is supported, which means you can grab any caching library for PHP that you like and plug it right into this library. Make sure you install a PSR-20 clock implementation as well, e.g.:

composer require symfony/cache symfony/clock

Note that not all services can be cached. At the moment cacheable services are:

  • Timeframes webservice

  • Location webservice

  • DeliveryDate webservice

  • ShippingStatus webservice

To enable caching for a certain service you can use the following:


use Symfony\Component\Clock\NativeClock;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;

$postnl = new PostNL(...);

$deliveryDateService = $postnl->getDeliveryDateService();

// Set a clock first or else it will be automatically set to :php:class:`Symfony\Component\Clock\NativeClock` when available.
$clock = new NativeClock();
$deliveryDateService->clock = $clock;

// Cache in the `/cache` folder relative to this directory
$cache = new FilesystemAdapter(directory: __DIR__.'/cache/');
$deliveryDateService->cache = $cache;

// Set a TTL of 600 seconds
$deliveryDateService->ttl = 600;

// Using a DateInterval (600 seconds)
$deliveryDateService->ttl = new DateInterval('PT600S');

// Setting a deadline instead, useful for the delivery date service, so you can cache until the cut-off-time
$cutOffTime = '18:00:00';

// You can also dynamically retrieve this from a request entity:
// $cutOffTime = $getDeliveryDateRequest->getCutOffTimes()[1]; // Monday cut-off time

$deliveryDateService->ttl = new DateTime('18:00:00');

Here’s a full (recommended) example for all services:


use Symfony\Component\Clock\NativeClock;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;

$cutOffTimeToday = '18:00:00';

$postnl = new PostNL(...);

$deliveryDateService = $postnl->getDeliveryDateService();
$timeframesService = $postnl->getTimeframesService();
$locationService = $postnl->getLocationService();
$shippingStatusService = $postnl->getDeliveryDateService();

// Set a clock first or else it will be automatically set to :php:class:`Symfony\Component\Clock\NativeClock` when available.
$clock = new NativeClock();

// Cache in the `/cache` folder relative to this directory
$cache = new FilesystemAdapter(directory: __DIR__.'/cache/');

$deliveryDateService->clock = $clock;
$deliveryDateService->cache = $cache;
$deliveryDateService->ttl = new DateTime($cutOffTimeToday);

$timeframesService->clock = $clock;
$timeframesService->cache = $cache;
$timeframesService->ttl = new DateTime($cutOffTimeToday);

$locationService->clock = $clock;
$locationService->cache = $cache;
$locationService->ttl = new DateTime('23:59:59');

$shippingStatusService->clock = $clock;
$shippingStatusService->cache = $cache;
$shippingStatusService->ttl = 5 * 60; // Prevent hitting the rate-limit by retrieving updates at most every 5 minutes


This example used the Symfony (filesystem) cache. An extensive list of supported caches can be found on this page.