
This page provides a quick introduction to this library and a few quick copy/paste examples which you can adjust to your likings.

This section assumes that you have installed the library and are fully authenticated.

If you do not have the library installed, head over to the Installation page. If you do not know what to pass to the main Firstred\PostNL\PostNL class, please refer to the chapter Authentication first.

You can do requests over the API by creating the request objects and passing them to one of the functions in the main Firstred\PostNL\PostNL class.

Creating request objects may seem a bit counter-intuitive at first, but this makes it a lot easier to follow the request examples from the official API documentation and quickly figure out what each field does.

Using an IDE with code completion is strongly recommended.

Requesting timeframes, locations and the delivery date at once

You can request the timeframes, locations and delivery date at once to quickly retrieve all the available delivery options.


For more details on how to retrieve delivery options, consult the Delivery options chapter.

Here’s how it is done from scratch:


use Firstred\PostNL\Entity\CutOffTime;
use Firstred\PostNL\Entity\Location;
use Firstred\PostNL\Entity\Message\Message;
use Firstred\PostNL\Entity\Request\GetDeliveryDate;
use Firstred\PostNL\Entity\Request\GetNearestLocations;
use Firstred\PostNL\Entity\Request\GetTimeframes;
use Firstred\PostNL\Entity\Timeframe;
use Firstred\PostNL\PostNL;
use Firstred\PostNL\Entity\Customer;
use Firstred\PostNL\Entity\Address;

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

// Your PostNL credentials
$customer = (new Customer())
    ->setAddress((new Address())

$apikey = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE';
$sandbox = true;

$postnl = new PostNL($customer, $apikey, $sandbox, PostNL::MODE_REST);

$mondayDelivery = true;
$deliveryDaysWindow = 7; // Amount of days to show ahead
$dropoffDelay = 0;       // Amount of days to delay delivery

// Configure the cut-off window for every day, 1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday
$cutoffTime = '15:00:00';
$dropoffDays = [1 => true, 2 => true, 3 => true, 4 => true, 5 => true, 6 => false, 7 => false];
foreach (range(1, 7) as $day) {
    if ($dropoffDays[$day]) {
        $cutOffTimes[] = new CutOffTime(
            str_pad($day, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT),
            date('H:i:00', strtotime($cutoffTime)),

$response = $postnl->getTimeframesAndNearestLocations(
    (new GetTimeframes())
            (new Timeframe())
                ->setEndDate(date('d-m-Y', strtotime(" +{$deliveryDaysWindow} days +{$dropoffDelay} days")))
                ->setOptions(['Morning', 'Daytime'])
                ->setStartDate(date('d-m-Y', strtotime("+1 days")))
                ->setSundaySorting(!empty($mondayDelivery) && date('w', strtotime("+{$dropoffDelay} days")))
    (new GetNearestLocations())
            (new Location())
    (new GetDeliveryDate())
            (new GetDeliveryDate())
                ->setOptions(['Daytime', 'Evening'])
                ->setShippingDate(date('d-m-Y H:i:s'))
                ->setShippingDuration(strval(1 + (int) $dropoffDelay))
        ->setMessage(new Message())

The response variable will be an associative array containing the timeframes, nearest locations and delivery date. It has the following keys:


The embedded timeframes contain the actual timeframes on that particular day.

The response format is the same for both the SOAP and REST API and is described on this page: https://developer.postnl.nl/browse-apis/delivery-options/timeframe-webservice/testtool-rest/#/Timeframe/get_calculate_timeframes


Dates and times returned by the library always use the same format for consistency and therefore may differ from the API. Please refer to the Formats chapter for more information.


The pickup locations can be found in the Firstred\PostNL\Entity\Response\GetNearestLocationsResponse object.

You can iterate over the found locations as follows:

foreach ($response['locations']->getGetLocationsResult()->getResponseLocation() as $location) {

The delivery date that was found, returned in a Firstred\PostNL\Entity\Response\GetDeliveryDateResponse object.

You can print the date as follows:

echo $response['delivery_date']->getDeliveryDate()->format('d-m-Y');

Creating a (merged) shipment label

This section describes how you can create two labels and have them merged into a single PDF automatically.


If you’d like to know more about all the methods you can use to create labels, see the Send and track shipments chapter.

Example code:

use Firstred\PostNL\Entity\Label;
use Firstred\PostNL\PostNL;
use Firstred\PostNL\Entity\Customer;
use Firstred\PostNL\Entity\Address;
use Firstred\PostNL\Entity\Shipment;
use Firstred\PostNL\Entity\Dimension;

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

// Your PostNL credentials
$customer = (new Customer())
        ->setAddress((new Address())

$apikey = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE';
$sandbox = true;

$postnl = new PostNL($customer, $apikey, $sandbox, PostNL::MODE_SOAP);

$barcodes = $postnl->generateBarcodesByCountryCodes(['NL' => 2]);

$shipments = [
    (new Shipment())
            (new Address())
                ->setHouseNrExt('a bis')
                ->setName('de Ruijter')
        ->setDimension(new Dimension('1000'))
    (new Shipment())
            (new Address())
                ->setHouseNrExt('a bis')
                ->setName('de Ruijter')
        ->setDimension(new Dimension('1000'))

$label = $postnl->generateLabels(
    'GraphicFile|PDF', // Printertype (only PDFs can be merged -- no need to use the Merged types)
    true, // Confirm immediately
    true, // Merge
    Label::FORMAT_A4, // Format -- this merges multiple A6 labels onto an A4
        1 => true,
        2 => true,
        3 => true,
        4 => true,
    ] // Positions

file_put_contents('labels.pdf', $label);

This will write a labels.pdf file that looks like this:


If you’d rather have the user download a label, you can set the Content-Disposition header:

$label = ...;

header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="label.pdf"');
echo $label;


Your framework might already provide a way to output files. Here are a few examples for several popular PHP frameworks:


use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ResponseHeaderBag;

class CreateShipmentController extends AbstractController
    public function downloadLabelAction()
        // Provide a name for your file with extension
        $filename = 'label.pdf';

        // Create the label
        $label = ...;

        // Return a response with a specific content
        $response = new Response($label);

        // Create the disposition of the file
        $disposition = $response->headers->makeDisposition(

        // Set the content type and disposition
        $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/pdf');
        $response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', $disposition);

        // Dispatch request
        return $response;

Source: https://ourcodeworld.com/articles/read/329/how-to-send-a-file-as-response-from-a-controller-in-symfony-3

Tracking a shipment

You can track a single shipment by calling Firstred\PostNL\PostNL::getShippingStatusByBarcode with the barcode of the shipment.

It accepts the following parameters:


The actual barcode, for example: 3SABCD1837238723.


Whether the method should return a complete status update. A complete status update contains the shipment history as well.

Code example:

$postnl = new PostNL(...);

$currentStatusResponse = $postnl->getShippingStatusByBarcode(
    '3SABCD1837238723', // Barcode
    false               // Return just the current status (complete = false)